NGUI: Next-Gen UI kit
This is the complete list of members for UIWidgetInspector, including all inherited members.
Action enum name | UIWidgetInspector | |
AnchorType enum name | UIRectEditor | protected |
DrawAnchor(int index, bool targetSelection) | UIRectEditor | protected |
DrawAnchorHandle(UIRect.AnchorPoint anchor, Transform myTrans, Vector3[] myCorners, int side, int id) | UIWidgetInspector | static |
DrawAnchorTransform() | UIRectEditor | |
DrawColor(SerializedObject so, UIWidget w) | UIWidgetInspector | static |
DrawCustomProperties() | UIWidgetInspector | protectedvirtual |
DrawFinalProperties() | UIRectEditor | protectedvirtual |
DrawInspectorProperties(SerializedObject so, UIWidget w, bool drawColor) | UIWidgetInspector | static |
DrawKnob(Vector3 point, bool selected, bool canResize, int id) | UIWidgetInspector | static |
DrawSingleAnchorSelection() | UIRectEditor | protected |
DrawWidgetTransform() | UIWidgetInspector | |
FieldName | UIRectEditor | protectedstatic |
GetCamera(SerializedProperty sp) | UIRectEditor | protectedstatic |
GetHandles(Vector3[] corners) | UIWidgetInspector | static |
GetPivotUnderMouse(Vector3[] worldPos, Event e, bool[] resizable, bool movable, ref Action action) | UIWidgetInspector | static |
GetRect(SerializedProperty sp) | UIRectEditor | protectedstatic |
GetScreenDistance(Vector3 worldPos, Vector2 mousePos) | UIWidgetInspector | static |
GetScreenDistance(Vector3[] worldPoints, Vector2 mousePos, out int index) | UIWidgetInspector | static |
handlesColor | UIWidgetInspector | static |
HorizontalList | UIRectEditor | protectedstatic |
instance | UIWidgetInspector | static |
IsCommon(float relative) | UIRectEditor | protectedstatic |
IsHorizontal | UIRectEditor | protectedstatic |
IsRect(SerializedProperty sp) | UIRectEditor | protectedstatic |
mAnchorType | UIRectEditor | protected |
mCustom | UIRectEditor | protected |
mTarget | UIRectEditor | protected |
mUseShader | UIWidgetInspector | protectedstatic |
mWidget | UIWidgetInspector | protected |
OnDisable() | UIWidgetInspector | protectedvirtual |
OnDrawFinalProperties() | UIWidgetInspector | protectedvirtual |
OnEnable() | UIWidgetInspector | protectedvirtual |
OnInspectorGUI() | UIRectEditor | |
OnSceneGUI() | UIWidgetInspector | |
pivotPoints | UIWidgetInspector | static |
PrefixName | UIRectEditor | protectedstatic |
Raycast(Vector3[] corners, out Vector3 hit) | UIWidgetInspector | static |
ReEvaluateAnchorType() | UIRectEditor | protected |
SetCursorRect(Rect rect, MouseCursor cursor) | UIWidgetInspector | static |
ShouldDrawProperties() | UIRectEditor | protectedvirtual |
UpdateAnchor(int index, bool resetRelative) | UIRectEditor | protected |
UpdateAnchors(bool resetRelative) | UIRectEditor | protected |
UpdateHorizontalAnchor(UIRect r, UIRect.AnchorPoint anchor, bool resetRelative) | UIRectEditor | static |
UpdateVerticalAnchor(UIRect r, UIRect.AnchorPoint anchor, bool resetRelative) | UIRectEditor | static |
VerticalList | UIRectEditor | protectedstatic |