NGUI: Next-Gen UI kit
This is the complete list of members for NGUITools, including all inherited members.
AddChild(GameObject parent) | NGUITools | static |
AddChild(GameObject parent, bool undo) | NGUITools | static |
AddChild(GameObject parent, GameObject prefab) | NGUITools | static |
AddChild< T >(GameObject parent) | NGUITools | static |
AddChild< T >(GameObject parent, bool undo) | NGUITools | static |
AddMissingComponent< T >(this GameObject go) | NGUITools | static |
AddSprite(GameObject go, UIAtlas atlas, string spriteName) | NGUITools | static |
AddWidget< T >(GameObject go) | NGUITools | static |
AddWidgetCollider(GameObject go) | NGUITools | static |
AddWidgetCollider(GameObject go, bool considerInactive) | NGUITools | static |
AdjustDepth(GameObject go, int adjustment) | NGUITools | static |
ApplyPMA(Color c) | NGUITools | static |
BringForward(GameObject go) | NGUITools | static |
Broadcast(string funcName) | NGUITools | static |
Broadcast(string funcName, object param) | NGUITools | static |
CalculateNextDepth(GameObject go) | NGUITools | static |
CalculateNextDepth(GameObject go, bool ignoreChildrenWithColliders) | NGUITools | static |
CalculateRaycastDepth(GameObject go) | NGUITools | static |
clipboard | NGUITools | static |
CreateUI(bool advanced3D) | NGUITools | static |
CreateUI(bool advanced3D, int layer) | NGUITools | static |
CreateUI(Transform trans, bool advanced3D, int layer) | NGUITools | static |
Destroy(UnityEngine.Object obj) | NGUITools | static |
DestroyImmediate(UnityEngine.Object obj) | NGUITools | static |
EncodeColor(Color c) | NGUITools | static |
Execute< T >(GameObject go, string funcName) | NGUITools | static |
ExecuteAll< T >(GameObject root, string funcName) | NGUITools | static |
fileAccess | NGUITools | static |
FindActive< T >() | NGUITools | static |
FindCameraForLayer(int layer) | NGUITools | static |
FindInParents< T >(GameObject go) | NGUITools | static |
FindInParents< T >(Transform trans) | NGUITools | static |
GetActive(Behaviour mb) | NGUITools | static |
GetActive(GameObject go) | NGUITools | static |
GetFuncName(object obj, string method) | NGUITools | static |
GetHierarchy(GameObject obj) | NGUITools | static |
GetRoot(GameObject go) | NGUITools | static |
GetSides(this Camera cam) | NGUITools | static |
GetSides(this Camera cam, float depth) | NGUITools | static |
GetSides(this Camera cam, Transform relativeTo) | NGUITools | static |
GetSides(this Camera cam, float depth, Transform relativeTo) | NGUITools | static |
GetTypeName(UnityEngine.Object obj) | NGUITools | static |
GetTypeName< T >() | NGUITools | static |
GetWorldCorners(this Camera cam) | NGUITools | static |
GetWorldCorners(this Camera cam, float depth) | NGUITools | static |
GetWorldCorners(this Camera cam, Transform relativeTo) | NGUITools | static |
GetWorldCorners(this Camera cam, float depth, Transform relativeTo) | NGUITools | static |
ImmediatelyCreateDrawCalls(GameObject root) | NGUITools | static |
IsActive(Behaviour mb) | NGUITools | static |
IsChild(Transform parent, Transform child) | NGUITools | static |
Load(string fileName) | NGUITools | static |
MakePixelPerfect(Transform t) | NGUITools | static |
MarkParentAsChanged(GameObject go) | NGUITools | static |
NormalizeDepths() | NGUITools | static |
NormalizePanelDepths() | NGUITools | static |
NormalizeWidgetDepths() | NGUITools | static |
NormalizeWidgetDepths(GameObject go) | NGUITools | static |
NormalizeWidgetDepths(UIWidget[] list) | NGUITools | static |
ParseColor(string text, int offset) | NGUITools | static |
PlaySound(AudioClip clip) | NGUITools | static |
PlaySound(AudioClip clip, float volume) | NGUITools | static |
PlaySound(AudioClip clip, float volume, float pitch) | NGUITools | static |
PushBack(GameObject go) | NGUITools | static |
RandomRange(int min, int max) | NGUITools | static |
RegisterUndo(UnityEngine.Object obj, string name) | NGUITools | static |
Round(Vector3 v) | NGUITools | static |
Save(string fileName, byte[] bytes) | NGUITools | static |
screenSize | NGUITools | static |
SetActive(GameObject go, bool state) | NGUITools | static |
SetActive(GameObject go, bool state, bool compatibilityMode) | NGUITools | static |
SetActiveChildren(GameObject go, bool state) | NGUITools | static |
SetActiveSelf(GameObject go, bool state) | NGUITools | static |
SetChildLayer(Transform t, int layer) | NGUITools | static |
SetDirty(UnityEngine.Object obj) | NGUITools | static |
SetLayer(GameObject go, int layer) | NGUITools | static |
soundVolume | NGUITools | static |
StripSymbols(string text) | NGUITools | static |
UpdateWidgetCollider(GameObject go) | NGUITools | static |
UpdateWidgetCollider(GameObject go, bool considerInactive) | NGUITools | static |
UpdateWidgetCollider(BoxCollider box, bool considerInactive) | NGUITools | static |
UpdateWidgetCollider(BoxCollider2D box, bool considerInactive) | NGUITools | static |