static void | DrawTiledTexture (Rect rect, Texture tex) |
| Draws the tiled texture. Like GUI.DrawTexture() but tiled instead of stretched. More...
static void | DrawOutline (Rect rect) |
| Draw a single-pixel outline around the specified rectangle. More...
static void | DrawOutline (Rect rect, Color color) |
| Draw a single-pixel outline around the specified rectangle. More...
static void | DrawOutline (Rect rect, Rect relative, Color color) |
| Draw a selection outline around the specified rectangle. More...
static void | DrawOutline (Rect rect, Rect relative) |
| Draw a selection outline around the specified rectangle. More...
static void | DrawOutline (Rect rect, Rect outer, Rect inner) |
| Draw a 9-sliced outline. More...
static Rect | DrawBackground (Texture2D tex, float ratio) |
| Draw a checkered background for the specified texture. More...
static void | DrawSeparator () |
| Draw a visible separator in addition to adding some padding. More...
static string | DrawList (string field, string[] list, string selection, params GUILayoutOption[] options) |
| Convenience function that displays a list of sprites and returns the selected value. More...
static string | DrawAdvancedList (string field, string[] list, string selection, params GUILayoutOption[] options) |
| Convenience function that displays a list of sprites and returns the selected value. More...
static GameObject | SelectedRoot () |
| Helper function that returns the selected root object. More...
static GameObject | SelectedRoot (bool createIfMissing) |
| Helper function that returns the selected root object. More...
static bool | WillLosePrefab (GameObject root) |
| Helper function that checks to see if this action would break the prefab connection. More...
static bool | MakeTextureReadable (string path, bool force) |
| Change the import settings of the specified texture asset, making it readable. More...
static Texture2D | ImportTexture (string path, bool forInput, bool force, bool alphaTransparency) |
| Fix the import settings for the specified texture, re-importing it if necessary. More...
static Texture2D | ImportTexture (Texture tex, bool forInput, bool force, bool alphaTransparency) |
| Fix the import settings for the specified texture, re-importing it if necessary. More...
static string | GetSaveableTexturePath (UIAtlas atlas) |
| Figures out the saveable filename for the texture of the specified atlas. More...
static string | GetSelectionFolder () |
| Helper function that returns the folder where the current selection resides. More...
static IntVector | IntPair (string prefix, string leftCaption, string rightCaption, int x, int y) |
| Integer vector field. More...
static Rect | IntRect (string prefix, Rect rect) |
| Integer rectangle field. More...
static Vector4 | IntPadding (string prefix, Vector4 v) |
| Integer vector field. More...
static List< T > | FindAll< T > () |
| Find all scene components, active or inactive. More...
static bool | DrawPrefixButton (string text) |
static bool | DrawPrefixButton (string text, params GUILayoutOption[] options) |
static int | DrawPrefixList (int index, string[] list, params GUILayoutOption[] options) |
static int | DrawPrefixList (string text, int index, string[] list, params GUILayoutOption[] options) |
static void | DrawSprite (Texture2D tex, Rect rect, UISpriteData sprite, Color color) |
| Draw a sprite preview. More...
static void | DrawSprite (Texture2D tex, Rect drawRect, UISpriteData sprite, Color color, Material mat) |
| Draw a sprite preview. More...
static void | DrawSprite (Texture2D tex, Rect drawRect, Color color, Rect textureRect, Vector4 border) |
| Draw a sprite preview. More...
static void | DrawSprite (Texture2D tex, Rect drawRect, Color color, Material mat, int x, int y, int width, int height, int borderLeft, int borderBottom, int borderRight, int borderTop) |
| Draw a sprite preview. More...
static void | DrawTexture (Texture2D tex, Rect rect, Rect uv, Color color) |
| Draw the specified sprite. More...
static void | DrawTexture (Texture2D tex, Rect rect, Rect uv, Color color, Material mat) |
| Draw the specified sprite. More...
static void | DrawSpriteField (string label, UIAtlas atlas, string spriteName, SpriteSelector.Callback callback, params GUILayoutOption[] options) |
| Draw a sprite selection field. More...
static void | DrawPaddedSpriteField (string label, UIAtlas atlas, string spriteName, SpriteSelector.Callback callback, params GUILayoutOption[] options) |
| Draw a sprite selection field. More...
static void | DrawSpriteField (string label, string caption, UIAtlas atlas, string spriteName, SpriteSelector.Callback callback, params GUILayoutOption[] options) |
| Draw a sprite selection field. More...
static bool | DrawSpriteField (UIAtlas atlas, string spriteName, SpriteSelector.Callback callback, params GUILayoutOption[] options) |
| Draw a simple sprite selection button. More...
static void | DrawSpriteField (string label, SerializedObject ob, string spriteField, params GUILayoutOption[] options) |
| Draw a sprite selection field. More...
static void | DrawSpriteField (string label, SerializedObject ob, SerializedProperty atlas, SerializedProperty sprite, params GUILayoutOption[] options) |
| Draw a sprite selection field. More...
static void | DrawSpriteField (string label, SerializedObject ob, SerializedProperty atlas, SerializedProperty sprite, bool removable, params GUILayoutOption[] options) |
| Draw a sprite selection field. More...
static void | DrawSpriteField (string label, SerializedObject ob, SerializedProperty atlas, SerializedProperty sprite, float width, bool padded, bool removable, params GUILayoutOption[] options) |
| Draw a sprite selection field. More...
static void | DrawAdvancedSpriteField (UIAtlas atlas, string spriteName, SpriteSelector.Callback callback, bool editable, params GUILayoutOption[] options) |
| Convenience function that displays a list of sprites and returns the selected value. More...
static void | RepaintSprites () |
| Repaints all inspector windows related to sprite drawing. More...
static void | SelectSprite (string spriteName) |
| Select the specified sprite within the currently selected atlas. More...
static void | SelectSprite (UIAtlas atlas, string spriteName) |
| Select the specified atlas and sprite. More...
static void | Select (GameObject go) |
| Select the specified game object and remember what was selected before. More...
static void | SelectPrevious () |
| Select the previous game object. More...
static bool | IsUniform (Vector3 scale) |
| Helper function that checks to see if the scale is uniform. More...
static bool | IsUniform (GameObject go) |
| Check to see if the specified game object has a uniform scale. More...
static void | FixUniform (GameObject go) |
| Fix uniform scaling of the specified object. More...
static bool | DrawMinimalisticHeader (string text) |
| Draw a distinctly different looking header label More...
static bool | DrawHeader (string text) |
| Draw a distinctly different looking header label More...
static bool | DrawHeader (string text, string key) |
| Draw a distinctly different looking header label More...
static bool | DrawHeader (string text, bool detailed) |
| Draw a distinctly different looking header label More...
static bool | DrawHeader (string text, string key, bool forceOn, bool minimalistic) |
| Draw a distinctly different looking header label More...
static void | BeginContents () |
| Begin drawing the content area. More...
static void | BeginContents (bool minimalistic) |
| Begin drawing the content area. More...
static void | EndContents () |
| End drawing the content area. More...
static void | DrawEvents (string text, Object undoObject, List< EventDelegate > list) |
| Draw a list of fields for the specified list of delegates. More...
static void | DrawEvents (string text, Object undoObject, List< EventDelegate > list, bool minimalistic) |
| Draw a list of fields for the specified list of delegates. More...
static void | DrawEvents (string text, Object undoObject, List< EventDelegate > list, string noTarget, string notValid, bool minimalistic) |
| Draw a list of fields for the specified list of delegates. More...
static SerializedProperty | DrawProperty (SerializedObject serializedObject, string property, params GUILayoutOption[] options) |
| Helper function that draws a serialized property. More...
static SerializedProperty | DrawProperty (string label, SerializedObject serializedObject, string property, params GUILayoutOption[] options) |
| Helper function that draws a serialized property. More...
static SerializedProperty | DrawPaddedProperty (SerializedObject serializedObject, string property, params GUILayoutOption[] options) |
| Helper function that draws a serialized property. More...
static SerializedProperty | DrawPaddedProperty (string label, SerializedObject serializedObject, string property, params GUILayoutOption[] options) |
| Helper function that draws a serialized property. More...
static SerializedProperty | DrawProperty (string label, SerializedObject serializedObject, string property, bool padding, params GUILayoutOption[] options) |
| Helper function that draws a serialized property. More...
static void | DrawProperty (string label, SerializedProperty sp, params GUILayoutOption[] options) |
| Helper function that draws a serialized property. More...
static void | DrawProperty (string label, SerializedProperty sp, bool padding, params GUILayoutOption[] options) |
| Helper function that draws a serialized property. More...
static void | DrawBorderProperty (string name, SerializedObject serializedObject, string field) |
| Helper function that draws a compact Vector4. More...
static void | DrawRectProperty (string name, SerializedObject serializedObject, string field) |
| Helper function that draws a compact Rect. More...
static void | DrawRectProperty (string name, SerializedObject serializedObject, string field, float labelWidth, float spacing) |
| Helper function that draws a compact Rect. More...
static float | SceneViewDistanceToRectangle (Vector3[] worldPoints, Vector2 mousePos) |
| Determine the distance from the mouse position to the world rectangle specified by the 4 points. More...
static List< UIWidget > | SceneViewRaycast (Vector2 mousePos) |
| Raycast into the specified panel, returning a list of widgets. Just like NGUIMath.Raycast, but doesn't rely on having a camera. More...
static bool | SelectWidget (Vector2 pos) |
| Select the topmost widget underneath the specified screen coordinate. More...
static bool | SelectWidget (GameObject start, Vector2 pos, bool inFront) |
| Select the next widget in line. More...
static void | SetLabelWidth (float width) |
| Unity 4.3 changed the way LookLikeControls works. More...
static void | RegisterUndo (string name, params Object[] objects) |
| Create an undo point for the specified objects. More...
static void | HideMoveTool (bool hide) |
| Unity 4.5+ makes it possible to hide the move tool. More...
static int | GetClassID (System.Type type) |
| Gets the internal class ID of the specified type. More...
static int | GetClassID< T > () |
| Gets the internal class ID of the specified type. More...
static SerializedObject | ReplaceClass (MonoBehaviour mb, System.Type type) |
| Convenience function that replaces the specified MonoBehaviour with one of specified type. More...
static SerializedObject | ReplaceClass (MonoBehaviour mb, int classID) |
| Convenience function that replaces the specified MonoBehaviour with one of specified class ID. More...
static void | ReplaceClass (SerializedObject ob, int classID) |
| Convenience function that replaces the specified MonoBehaviour with one of specified class ID. More...
static void | ReplaceClass (SerializedObject ob, System.Type type) |
| Convenience function that replaces the specified MonoBehaviour with one of specified class ID. More...
static T | ReplaceClass< T > (MonoBehaviour mb) |
| Convenience function that replaces the specified MonoBehaviour with one of specified type. More...
static void | UpgradeTexturesToSprites (UIAtlas atlas) |
| Automatically upgrade all of the UITextures in the scene to Sprites if they can be found within the specified atlas. More...
static void | ShowSpriteSelectionMenu (Vector2 screenPos) |
| Show a sprite selection context menu listing all sprites under the specified screen position. More...
static Object | LoadAsset (string path) |
| Load the asset at the specified path. More...
static T | LoadAsset< T > (string path) |
| Convenience function to load an asset of specified type, given the full path to it. More...
static string | ObjectToGUID (Object obj) |
| Get the specified object's GUID. More...
static Object | GUIDToObject (string guid) |
| Convert the specified GUID to an object reference. More...
static T | GUIDToObject< T > (string guid) |
| Convert the specified GUID to an object reference of specified type. More...
static Color32[] | AddBorder (Color32[] colors, int width, int height) |
| Add a border around the specified color buffer with the width and height of a single pixel all around. The returned color buffer will have its width and height increased by 2. More...
static void | AddShadow (Color32[] colors, int width, int height, Color shadow) |
| Add a soft shadow to the specified color buffer. The buffer must have some padding around the edges in order for this to work properly. More...
static void | AddDepth (Color32[] colors, int width, int height, Color shadow) |
| Add a visual depth effect to the specified color buffer. The buffer must have some padding around the edges in order for this to work properly. More...
static void | DrawPadding () |
| Draw 18 pixel padding on the right-hand side. Used to align fields. More...